• Janine’s Testimonial

    Website development and social media training for Janine Mitchell of Change for Success, targeting occupational Health Managers in Manchester.

Investigating Officer’s Statement

Janine Mitchell is a business owner who came to us wanting to be more in control of her website and digital marketing. Whilst very good at what she does, years of experience and lots of successful client work, she had self confessed anxiety when it comes to anything “techy” and didn’t understand when she paid her web designer or SEO company  how to ask them for what her business really needed to attract new customers and indeed how to check whether the work had been done or measure the benefit in real terms.

Manchester Based Therapist & Stress Management Consultant

Case Details

Janine Mitchell works with corporate and private clients. She also runs focused coaching group sessions. Janine achieves life changing and permanent results in a short space of time, by employing a range of powerful techniques.

It’s Janine’s mission to empower others and to deliver high standard well-being packages to organisations, which are of bespoke design.

She is extremely passionate about the work that she does which she find’s amazingly rewarding.

The Idea Buro were commissioned to give 1-2-1 coaching in digital marketing and worked with Janine a day a week for the first month and a couple of hours a week there after for 3 months. After an initial business review session (half day) a 1 month kick starter plan was designed to up-skill Janine, show her where and and how to realign her current online content at prospective clients and develop her sales and marketing in a focused and measurable manner in the long term.   Time was spent in terms of question and answer sessions, 1-2-1 hands on training and remote telephone support in-between office based learning sessions.

  • Client: Janine Mitchell, Change For Success
  • Client Requirements: Business Review, Coaching, Marketing Training, WordPress Website Training, Social Media Training, Linkedin Profile Optimisation, Blogging Training, Search Engine Optimisation Training, Email Marketing Training, (Mail Chimp)Sales & Marketing Support.
  • Website: www.changeforsuccess.co.uk

What is a Purchase Funnel?

The purchase funnel, or purchasing funnel, is a consumer focused marketing model which illustrates the theoretical customer journey towards the purchase of a product or service.

In 1898, E. St. Elmo Lewis developed a model which mapped a theoretical customer journey from the moment a brand or product attracted consumer attention to the point of action or purchase.[1] St. Elmo Lewis’ idea is often referred to as the AIDA-model, an acronym which stands for Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. This staged process is summarized below:

  • Awareness – the customer is aware of the existence of a product or service
  • Interest – actively expressing an interest in a product group
  • Desire – aspiring to a particular brand or product
  • Action – taking the next step towards purchasing the chosen product

The Purchase Funnel is also often referred to as the “customer funnel,” “marketing funnel,” or “sales funnel” or “conversion funnel.” The association of the funnel model with the AIDA concept was first proposed in Bond Salesmanship by William W. Townsend in 1924.[2]

This early model has been modified by marketing consultants and academics to cater to the modern customer and is now referred to in marketing as the purchase funnel or buying funnel. Many different business-to-consumer purchase models exist in marketing today, but it is generally accepted that the modern business-to-business purchase funnel has more stages,[3] considers repurchase intent and takes into account new technologies and changes in consumer purchase behavior. [4] [5] As a model, the buying funnel has been validated in a variety of domains, including searching,[6] keyword advertising,[7] and lead generation[8] but also modified to include previously unconsidered steps and metrics such as outbound sales and internet impressions.[9]

The purchase funnel concept is used in marketing to guide promotional campaigns targeting different stages of the customer journey, and also as a basis for customer relationship management (CRM) programmes and lead management campaigns.

Change For Success Case Notes

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