Investigating Officer’s Statement

Stuart Matthews, the owner director of Treadstone Law’s details were passed to us at a BNI meeting from another one of our clients, who was a mutual connection with Stuart. We had done a good job for Andrew Wood Photographers regarding marketing advice and steering and Andrew participated in the same business growth group as Stuart under the guidance of another business coach. In our first meeting Mr Matthews told us of his issue with his current marketing supplier who was on a monthly retainer for SEO of £300 plus vat but delivered little in terms of the new business leads he expected. Stuart knew little of the marketing work being done and had no way of checking or understanding what was being done on his website, social media and wider business development. He had no way of measuring the ROI crucial to sound investment in marketing and was self confessed “a little in the dark”.

We understood his anxiety having dealt with lots of business owners in the same position and in the first few months tried to communicate as effectively as possible what needed to happen in terms of tidying up his current marketing vehicles (website, social media, point of sale, email signatures etc), then tweeking them so that they were fit for purpose and developing them further so that they aligned and became a more effective joined up purposeful  digital footprint.

Wythenshawe Based Personal Injury Solicitor

Case Details

The Idea Buro were commissioned to investigate what had gone wrong and arm the business owner with information to give just cause for terminating their current marketing contract. Analysis of the google analytics, website and social media was undertaken and reported on.

We were then given the go ahead to suggest a way forward. Work was agreed in the short term on a service level agreement of £500 pcm for 5 hours work. Some of this was office based out of necessity to work closely with the staff and bring their marketing and web knowledge up a notch.

The current website was proven out of date, flawed and not fit for purpose as a lead generator. It was overhauled, replatformed onto wordpress and it’s content brought up to date and improved. The business owner was coached in digital marketing essentials and started producing blogs so that regular content was released from the business in line with a rudimentary idea of a handful of marketing campaigns he wanted to launch and progress. It was explained that to buy a case file was £500 and moving that spent to organic marketing would give a higher return on investment over time.

Considerable time was spent gaining access to old and current social media accounts, business directories and analytics accounts. On accessing old accounts information was found to be out of date and was corrected. Login details were changed in terms of enhanced security, listed and stored at the business. Blogs were then automatically pushed out through the business’ social media automatically saving time, fully optimised for online search and with a contact form for easy enquiries. This it was explained was a process of up skilling and putting the business team in control of their own sales and marketing. Showing Mr Matthews where and and how to realign his current online content at prospective clients and develop the business’ sales and marketing in a focused and measurable manner in the long term. A ‘showing by doing’ approach.

It was suggested by us and evidenced that marketing needed to be a full time role and be done within the business. £300 pcm was too little to return the kind of results expected. The best course of action was to help the business employ and train up a marketing person. Welcome Kelly Calladine. Time was spent in terms of question and answer sessions, 1-2-1 hands on training and remote telephone support in-between office based learning sessions and remote web and social media support.

  • Client: Stuart Matthews, Treadstone Law
  • Client Requirements: Business Review, Coaching, Marketing Training, WordPress website replatforming, WordPress Website Training, Social Media Training, Linkedin Profile Optimisation, Blogging Training, Search Engine Optimisation Training, Email Marketing Training, (Mail Chimp)Sales & Marketing Support.
  • Website:

Key to this work. The Purchase Funnel. What is a Purchase Funnel i hear you ask?

The purchase funnel, or purchasing funnel, is a consumer focused marketing model which illustrates the theoretical customer journey towards the purchase of a product or service.

In 1898, E. St. Elmo Lewis developed a model which mapped a theoretical customer journey from the moment a brand or product attracted consumer attention to the point of action or purchase.[1] St. Elmo Lewis’ idea is often referred to as the AIDA-model, an acronym which stands for Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. This staged process is summarized below:

  • Awareness – the customer is aware of the existence of a product or service
  • Interest – actively expressing an interest in a product group
  • Desire – aspiring to a particular brand or product
  • Action – taking the next step towards purchasing the chosen product

The Purchase Funnel is also often referred to as the “customer funnel,” “marketing funnel,” or “sales funnel” or “conversion funnel.” The association of the funnel model with the AIDA concept was first proposed in Bond Salesmanship by William W. Townsend in 1924.[2]

This early model has been modified by marketing consultants and academics to cater to the modern customer and is now referred to in marketing as the purchase funnel or buying funnel. Many different business-to-consumer purchase models exist in marketing today, but it is generally accepted that the modern business-to-business purchase funnel has more stages,[3] considers repurchase intent and takes into account new technologies and changes in consumer purchase behavior. [4] [5] As a model, the buying funnel has been validated in a variety of domains, including searching,[6] keyword advertising,[7] and lead generation[8] but also modified to include previously unconsidered steps and metrics such as outbound sales and internet impressions.[9]

The purchase funnel concept is used in marketing to guide promotional campaigns targeting different stages of the customer journey, and also as a basis for customer relationship management (CRM) programmes and lead management campaigns.

Treadstone Law Case Notes

The old Treadstone Law website:

I’d like my business investigated

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